Board of Directors meeting 2025 Regular Board of Directors Meeting April 15,2021
*SPECIAL NOTICE REGARDING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION DUE TO COVID-19* Given the current Shelterin-Place Order covering the State of California and the Social Distance Guidelines issued by Federal, State, and Local Authorities, BCSD is implementing the following changes for attendance and public comment at all BCSD meetings until notified otherwise. Any member of the Board of Directors may participate from a remote location by teleconference. The BCSD meeting will be accessible via live-streaming online to all members of the public or in person on a limited basis (Masks Required) at the Biola Community Center on April 15,2021 (Link Below)
BiolaCSD Facebook Page: Biola Community Center - Hall Rental
BiolaCSD Website:
Meeting ID: 870 4206 2206
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Meeting ID: 870 4206 2206